Free Marriage for Disabled
Free Marriage for Disabled
TNDFC TRUST conduct free Marriage for 2 disabled couple on 13th March 2022 7:30am to 9:00am at Vadapalani Srimurugan Temple in this presense of P.K.Sekar Babu Honorable Minister for Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments and Thiru.J.Kumaragurubaran I.A.S Commissioner for Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments and Mrs.Renukadevi Deputy Commissioner for Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments. Seervarisai (Marriage Gift) 50 Items including Gold Thali, Silk Sarees, Silk waist, Utensils cot, Mattresses, Mixie, Stove, Steel Cuboard, Utensils etc to be provided to the couples. All are welcome to attend the gracious function.